Monday, June 16, 2008

USA Demolishes Barbados

As many of you know, USA began their World Cup Qualifying campaign with a 8-0 win over Barbados.  The result puts nothing in doubt when the US go to Barbados next weekend.  If you missed the game, here are the highlights:

Leave your comments about the games below


leszek said...

Hey Max....

Iam responding to your comment about Poland, and its relation to U.S soccer team. You should not even compare playing at Euro's to beating up on teams like Barbados or Grenada 8-0 or more. High profile friendlies which you are so proud about??? To euro teams they mean shit all!!! Sorry to disapoint you. Sadly to tell u, you are still light years away to be able to understand the european game....if you ever will. So please...spare your comments.

leszek said...

After watching the trashing of Barbados on this youtube video...I just have to add one more this??? Try having Portugal, Belgium, or Serbia in your qualifying group, you would shit your yankee pants.

Unknown said...


You bring up a good point. However, I disagree with the way you put it across. Is there anything about the U.S. team to fear at this point in time? Absolutely not. Will there be? You can bet on it.

The beauty of soccer is that we don't have to learn the European game. We will develop our own style.
Who cares if it's not up to European standards? We'll get better. Than you'll be the one shitting whatever kind of pants you have on.

Give it some time.